Enable TRIM on OS X Yosemite!

OS X Yosemite update 10.10.4 now supports TRIM for aftermarket SSDs! To enable it, open the Terminal and type: sudo trimforce enable Accept the scary agreement and it will reboot.  That’s it!

Time sync issues with boot camp and Windows

MacOS assumes that your machine time is GMT. Windows assumes that your machine time is correct for your time zone. So each time you switch operating systems the time is wrong in one of the systems. The fix is to tell Windows that your machine time is GMT (universal...

Upgrading to Mountain Lion on an older Mac

There are lots of reviews about the new features that Apple included in their latest OS X release, Mountain Lion but not much talk about running it on older Macs. I hope to explain some of the details to you. First of all, this is the first version of OS X that...