by Aaron Crabtree | Dec 23, 2014 | PC Hardware
I have used the HDHomeRun dual tuner for ATSC (digital-over-the-air) TV for years. But recently my Dad decided to get digital cable from Time Warner, so we decided to try the Silicon Dust HDHomeRun Prime HDHR3-CC. This tuner uses a CableCard along with a “tuning...
by Aaron Crabtree | Oct 20, 2014 | Apple, MacOS
MacOS assumes that your machine time is GMT. Windows assumes that your machine time is correct for your time zone. So each time you switch operating systems the time is wrong in one of the systems. The fix is to tell Windows that your machine time is GMT (universal...
by Aaron Crabtree | Oct 6, 2014 | Apple, MacOS
So you’ve installed Windows 7 on your Mac using Boot camp. Then you decide that you need more space on your Windows partition. So you use the Mac’s Disk Utility on the partition tab to shrink the MacOS partition. Then you fire up a live CD of GParted to...
by Aaron Crabtree | Jan 8, 2014 | Blog, Network
Today I realized that my Zyxel USG 20 would not automatically get an IP address (assigned by DHCP) from my cable modem after being disconnected. (I have a dynamic IP address from my ISP.) I would have to log in to the dashboard and click the “Renew”...
by Aaron Crabtree | Jan 1, 2014 | Blog, Network
The Zyxel USG20 is a complicated router. As I mentioned here it is a wonderful router for a highly connected household if you desire content filtering and bandwidth management. But this router isn’t for the feint of heart. Port forwarding on a traditional...